About Us
Dignified Work is powered by Career Path Services.
At Career Path Services our purpose defines the impact we seek:
"Breaking the spirit of poverty through the dignity of work"
Our mission defines our organization:
"Career Path Services is an equity-centered, workforce development and human services non-profit corporation. We disrupt the drivers of poverty through equitable access to economic opportunity and financial stability."
Our vision states what we do now, will do in the future, and how we do it:
"Empowering All People, Enhancing an Equitable Workforce, Enriching Diverse Communities"
Our values are our compass:
Our Guiding Aspiration is our how:
"Career Path Services will foster thriving, economically prosperous communities through an inner connected set of solutions that empower individuals to access meaningful employment and financial sustainability, while connecting businesses to quality employee-matches that meet present needs and holds the potential for long-term growth together."